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Thank you for your note!

  • What is HIAH WRLD?
    HIAH WRLD is a community for dreamers, lovers, creatives, hopers, world changers and community builders to engage with like-minded and spirited people to fuel and maintain the light, fire and brilliance we all carry.
  • What is HIAH? What does HIAH mean?
    Happiness Is A Hustle. Our self-work is work that requires consistent activity. It's the shift in thinking from survival mode to thrivance. It's the work that doesn't make the stat sheet, but wins championships. The work that doesn't translate to social media, the idea that even when we go through dark times nothing stays the same forever.
  • How can I be a part of the HIAH WRLD community?
    Just be you 😀! Our blog and W.O.W. (wall of wisdom) are available to everyone and we will be hosting meetups and retreats that you'll be able to sign up for.
  • Some pages require a login or membership, how do I become a member?
    You can sign up on the site (mobile or desktop) or through the app. Once you create your profile you'll set up your monthly membership payment which will be auto billed. You can cancel any time within your billing period and your profile will deactivate at the end of the cycle.
  • Is there a way I can contribute content to the community?
    Ummmm hells yes! We are always looking for voices, stories, videos and graphics. Simply email us at: i n f o (at) h i a h w r l d (dot) c o m and we will send over submission information. Please remember, this site was created to uplift, support and make the world around us better so keep that in mind when submitting content. This doesn't mean it has to be rainbows and roses, but a story about bashing your ex? A story about how you grew from a tough relationship where you didn't feel loved and what activities helped you through?
  • How can I see and submit an affirmation or mantra?
    Our F.O.A.M. page (forum of affirmations and mantras) is for members. Once you become a member you'll have access to posts, be able to comment on other posts and even create your own. Keep in mind that although we do not promote toxic positivity, this space is a small part of the infinite web that we have carved out for US. It's a space created to uplift, inspire and facilitate healing and growth. Comments and posts that are found in misalignment of that intention will be removed, and your profile can be suspended or deactivated. Other than that we welcome all the good vibes and motivation 😋
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